The Focus on Quality Education

CIMQUSEF is the Conference of Quality in Education. Firstly, because it is an international meeting of research in the field of Quality Education. Secondly, because CIMQUSEF is the unique international conference of Quality Management in Education and Training Systems. Since 2004, AMAQUEN organizes the international conference on the quality of education and training (CIMQUSEF). Then, it is a good moment to address issues related to all levels of Education, from preschool to higher education. It is also the annual meeting of decision makers, researchers and experts. So, it allows them to reflect together on how to improve the quality of education. So far, about 3,000 researchers and experts representing some 70 countries have participated in the CIMQUSEF.

Great opportunities for researchers and practitioners

Each CIMQUSEF allows the best opportunities to Researchers and Practionners, to innovate together. So, they can suggest the relevant solutions for the problems of Education, now and in the future. Moreover, the best articles that meet the publication criteria are published in “The Journal of Quality in Education” (JoQiE). This international relevant journal is indexed in several research databases.

A historic conference

Until 2022,  the Conference was organized 19 times on topics as varied as quality management, evaluation, research, employability, foresight, the future of education, smart cities, elite preparation, human resource development, professional training, systemic approach, steering by indicators, and stakeholder engagement. All theses themes have a strong relation with the Quality of Education.

The next CIMQUSEF will address the theme: ”Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): a pillar in strategies for education transformation”.

Unforgettable moments

Here is a few photos of some the previous editions of CIMQUSEF.